Electric VehiclesGeneral

Wireless EV Charging – Helping for EV mass adoption 

Technology behind the Wireless EV Charging will accelerate the adoption of EVs by simplifying the day-to-day charging experience. As per latest industry surveys, hassle of charging is main pain point for current EV owners. Over 90% of the potential EV buyers are interested in wireless charging technologies for their EVs. That being said, Wireless EV charging technology will be the key enabler for accelerating the adoption of EVs and driving the sustainable transportation future. This article will explore the current state of Wireless EV charging technology. 

Why is Wireless EV Charging is appealing? 

Todays EV owners are more happy about the vehicles performance, features and driving experience. But, EV owners are very unhappy with EV ownership experience when it comes to EV charging. EV charging experience across the world is even getting worse with patchwork of public charging infrastructure, different connector types and broken equipments. EV Automakers have not standardized on the charging port type and location which causes confusion while charging EVs. Dealing with all these hassles makes EV charging experience very frustrating and confusing. Wireless EV Charging technology has the promise to improve the overall charging experience for EV owners. 

Can an EV be charged wirelessly? 

Wireless EV Charging
Wireless EV Charging Ground Pad

Absolutely, EVs can be charged wirelessly. EV owner does not have to plug the connector manually. Technology called “Magnetic Resonance” allows driver to simply park their car on the “EV Charging Pad” and walk away knowing their car will be charged automatically without hassles of manually plugging for charging. These “EV Charging Pads” will be the game changing device for EV adoption in future. Asian EV markets will start manufacture EVs that are compatible with wireless EV charging technology. EV buyers in the U.S. has show tremendous interest in this technology as well. Based on the current market research EV shopper understands the benefit and value of this wireless charging technology to improve their overall opening experience. 

How does EV wireless charging work? 

EV wireless charging technology has created “EV Charging Ground Pads” which work on the principle of electromagnetic induction to transmit the electrical power from the source to the battery pack using air as magnetic field. There are no moving parts and physical connectors involved here. Magnetic field transfer energy between charging pads and the vehicle coil when the vehicle is parked over the ground charging pads. Technology uses Resonant Induction between the charger and receiver and provides high efficiency for variety of ground clearances. This is innovative and proven technology in the market. 

Wireless EV charging fast and safe as wired charging? 

Yes, Wireless EV charging technology can charge your EV at the same speed and efficiency as plugged in to Level-2 charging equipment. It is very safe and proven technology. User does not have to physically plug or unplug the cables – no handling of cable and connectors makes it much more safe and convenient to use. 

What are the benefits of Wireless EV Charging?

New EV owners and potentials buyers have show great interested in Wireless EV charging because of the following benefits it brings: 

  • User does not have to physically pull the cable and plug or un-plug the connector to the car. This approach improves safety as user does not have to handle any equipments. Also, user does not have to remember to charge vehicles as Wireless recharges kicks in automatically as needed. 
    • Improves accessibility in your garage, office or public parking as user does not have to deals with cables or connectors anymore. Avoids potential tripping hazards as well. 
    • User does not have to worry about finding charger with right plug connector that suits its vehicles, this reduces headaches and anxiety for the end user. 
    • Wireless EV charges offers less time for a full recharge, which helps user to same time and be more productive. 
    • Wireless charging technology uses wi-fi based communication protocol to initiate automatic charging for your vehicle, that mean you never have to exit your vehicle. 
    • Bigger opportunity is streamline Battery technology, EV architecture and Charging infrastructure to adopt for wireless charging technology which will help to accelerate the adoptions of EV in near future. 
    • Public charging gets better and simplified with Wireless Charging. EV user can avoid confusing public-charging landscape. 
    • Wireless charging eliminates the accessibility challenges for EV drivers with physical limitation. Public charging station are located behind the curb to avoid damages from vehicles and also the charging ports are positioned higher. These creates obstacles for wheelchair users and with other mobility issues. 
    • Conventional charging stations are lots of moving parts such as cable, plug/connector and are vulnerable to damage and vandalism. Wireless charging does not have moving parts and it has potential to make charging experience very reliable, less maintenance and increase the uptime for the operator. 

    Who is developing Wireless EV charging Technology? 

    U.S. based, WiTricity is one of the leading provide for the Wireless EV charging technology. Company has developed magnetic resonance technology for wireless charging for passenger and commercial vehicles. Automakers and suppliers are collaborating with WiTricity to accelerate the adoption of wireless EV charging. If you are interested to know more about this technology, refer the following video;

    Final take by E-Mobility Trend: 

    EV market is rapidly growing now but will mature in coming years. Most of automakers will reach to point where their technological innovation in terms of driving range, charging speeds etc. will saturate soon. Automakers will have to offer new features such as wireless EV charging compatibility or autonomous driving capabilities. As we are aware, autonomous driving ability is very complex problem and it may take years to have complete solution to solve that. On the other hand, wireless EV charging feature is most wanted among the EV buyer and is ready for mass production and deployment. We strongly believe, wireless EV charging will be a game changer technology to improve the EV ownership experience and EV adoptions in near future. 

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