About Us

What is emobilitytrends.com blog is about?

Mission of “emobilitytrends.com” blogpost is to discover emerging trends and technologies in the field Electric Mobility. We are in the era of Electrification of Transportation with groundbreaking innovations taking place in the electric vehicles spare, battery technology and related applications. Goal of this blogpost is to explore and discuss electric mobility trends, new technologies & consumer products, their benefits and adoption trends as we marching towards a sustainable energy future.

Who is working on this blog?

E-Mobility Trends team members are from Energy & Power Industry professional with experience leading engineering design teams related to Energy & Power in-fracture projects. Team has advance education (Masters Degree) in the field Electrical Engineering and have over 20 years of industry experience in Power & Energy sector.

Our team is really fascinated with the current era of Energy Transitions taking place with the advancement in Electric Vehicles, Battery Technology, Renewable Energy and Hydrogen energy and how its shaping our day-to-day energy needs. I am constantly engaging myself in explore technological changes, innovations, policy & regulations related to these areas.

In this blog, emobilitytrends.com, our focus is to explore emerging trends and technologies in Electrification of Transportation and deliver the meaningful information to the audience visiting this blog. Out team is committed to deliver the value content to the audience.