Electric planes are critical for sustainable air travel
With the advancement in Battery Technology and Electric Mobility space, battery powered electric planes will be a reality in coming future. Another main driver for Electric Planes to adopt sustainable travel and reduce environmental impact. Today, commercial air travel accounts for 2.4 % of all greenhouse gas emission and that could rise to 22% in year 2050 as per the expects. Therefore, major airlines are finding ways to reduce their environmental impact by promoting electric planes technology and adoption.
Present state of Electric Planes:
There are numerous new startups in Electric Planes space along with traditional giants like Boeing and Airbus.
In 2022, company named Wisk Aero is making full electric taxis for day to day commute for four(4) passengers for around 90 miles of range and speed unto 120 KTS (138 miles) and can fly for altitude of 2500 feet – 4000 feet above the ground level.
Airbus, one of the biggest company in the aircraft manufacturing industry, is involved in Electric Planes and Hybrid Planes research and development since year 2010. Airbus has engineered many electric planes and model since then such as Cri Cri, Vahana, CityAirBus and F-Fan X.
Another leading company in this space, Heart Aerospace from Sweden, is also involved in building cutting edge company in Electric Planes space. This company has developed ES-30 plane, a regional electric plane with a standard seating capacity of 30 passengers driven by electric motors with battery derived energy. The plan has flying range from unto 400kilomerts with 30 passenger and upto 800 kilometers with 25 passengers.

Electric plane – A graphic image of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30, a battery powered plane (Heart Aerospace)
Benefits of Electric Planes:
Electric planes and related technology will help airlines and manufacturers to cut the emissions, reduce environmental impact and offer sustainable travel alternatives for travelers. Electric planes will also make shorter routes feasible by minimizing the fuel cost. Also, Electric Plane will have fewer moving parts, no hydraulics, no oil, no fuel – less chances of failure and robust system overall, improving safety and stability. Electric Planes will be more quite and reduces overall noise footprints. Electric Planes are being designed from ground-up they are designed with human centric focus – larger cabins, comfortable and improved safety features and configurations.
Challenges in Electric planes mass adoption:
Airplane design has not changed since the inception of planes. Developing Battery Technology that are sufficient for Electric planes is one of the important hurdle. Also, convenience passages for Electric planes flights are safe will be one of the obstacles that needs to overcome in future. Also, developing electric planes with all the aviation industry regulation related approvals will be important as well. Because of all these challenged, Electric Planes adoption will be very slow for the foreseeable future.
Which airlines in US are purchasing Electric Planes?
United Airlines and Air Canada airline have ordered Electric Planes from Heart Aerospace. Its great to see that these leading airline companies are committed to usage of Electric plans and offering their passenger sustainable flying option.